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Sight unseen (2024) : Season 1, episode 7 Recap

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Crédit Imdb


A heavy atmosphere weighs on the local police when Victor, a former informant and main suspect in a case, dies in the interrogation room. In order to find the murderer, an internal investigation is being conducted. During this investigation, the trust that reigned in the police compound will be put to the test. Who is the murderer and what is his motive?

Murder in the police department office: a successful story arc

Having corrupt police officers in TV series seems to be quite recurrent, but how many of them have dared to silence someone within the police precinct? Honestly, not so much. Usually, outside or jail are their playground.

If one could think that solving a crime inside a police department office would not be satisfying, episode 7 of Sight Unseen show us how wrong it is. This seventh episode is anchored in a significantly different dynamic than the previous ones, both in terms of screenwriting and plot. The music that goes with the different scenes (comic, dramatic, and suspense) brings to the episode that little something that allows to keep the spectators on edge.

The tension in this episode quickly sets in. Victor, the informant who once worked with Tess, is being questioned in the context of a homicide case. Shortly after, the vice squad arrives at the police station and demands Victor's release. Charging him with homicide could jeopardize the case they have been working on for years and they do not want to risk it. However, before a decision can be made, Victor is poisoned and dies in the interrogation room.

Things get tougher at this exact moment. Everyone is a suspect, which forces Bennett to lock down the facility while he investigates. Meanwhile, Tess and Sunny discover that Victor has identified Turner Knight's murderer and testified in court. The consultant suspects that this testimony is hiding something, when she learns that Knight killed a VICE officer years ago. Tess concludes that Victor was killed because a shady cop wants to protect themself.

Every single thing counts

The scriptwriters made sure that throughout the episode the doubt was about Leo. He is a former member of VICE, who knew Mickey. This gives him a motive. Moreover, the fact that the viewers see through other characters' eyes (mainly Jack's) increases this suspicion. The latter wonders more than once about the discreet exchanges, almost secret, that Leo and Ada have. And each time a new element related to Victor's murder comes to light. Plus, there are several other incriminating elements against Leo (his code was used to enter the evidence room, he brought Victor into the interrogation room etc.).

Everything have bee, calculated by the writers so that the solutions are in front of the viewers' eyes. Each scene is rigorously thought out so that the mystery can be solved by the viewers if they watch the episode by taking a step back. For example, one of the things that may have stood out in this episode is the coffee that the suspect drinks. The cameras were focused on this particular action, and a close-up was favored. This is surely done to emphasize the importance of this scene. The fact that several previous suspects, such as Jewel in episode 5, did not have the opportunity to drink something in the interrogation room tip off the spectators. Coffee was also mentioned several times in conversations Jack had, especially with Leo. There is also a focus that is made when Jack puts sugar in his coffee. In the end, all those little gestures make sense, when Tess dismantles one by one the way Katelyn and Ada tried to cover their tracks.

At the same time, the relationships between the characters gradually change. After working with Tess again on this case, Jack's feelings for her seem to grow. He decides to spend the evening with her. However, he is faced with great disappointment, when he realizes that Matt and Tess have organized a night out. Meanwhile, Sunny decides to let her guard down after being comforted by Kai. She agrees to have dinner with him, and confesses that she likes him. Nevertheless, the serene atmosphere quickly crumbles, when Sunny overhears Kai giving information about herself to a man on the phone. The trust between the two is now broken.

Overall, the scripting of this episode was well done, and the episode was able to captivate the viewer's attention. On the other hand, Sunny's romance may be understandable, but the focus on the love triangle between Tess, Jack, and Matt may not be as necessary.

Episode Rating: 9.5/10


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