Summary :
Jake Campbell, Tess Avery's former partner, encourages her to return to her job despite losing her eyesight. Convinced, Tess decides to see Bennett, hoping she would be able to return to her previous position. However, she does not get what she hoped for. Bennett, concerned about her condition, informs her that it would be better if she no longer field agent. He accepts her return on one condition: she will have an office position.
Having already solved several investigations since losing her sight, Tess is determined to prove to her boss that she remains the investigator she has always been. Accompanied by Sunny Patel, her professional eye guide, she decides to solve a unsolvable crime. That of a young woman murdered in her delivery truck.
A gradual evolution:
When the resolution of an unsolvable crime is highlighted in this episode, a mixture of action and thrilling scenes are expected, unfortunately this was not the case here.
Compared to previous episodes, the progress of the investigation was less satisfactory. The directors probably chose a calmer episode, to highlight other elements, such as the evolution of the characters. Indeed, in this episode, it's possible to see that how much Tess accepts her condition now and how her relationship with others evolves.
Tess's desire to prove herself conceals other important details that show that the character is moving up. In the lastest episodes, Tess couldn't accept her loss of sight, and she was in a phase of denial which resulted in her inability to say that she is blind and in her rejection of technical aids which could make her condition visible to all. She didn't wanted to be treated differently by others, which is completely understandable.
Here, she accepts her condition a little more. Indeed, when she goes out with Mia she takes her cane with her (although she picks up Eye's Up immediately once the session with Mia is over). She also uses it when she decides to question Dash N Ship employees incognito. Which is a big step for Tess, for whom the cane made it real that she could no longer see like she used to. Tess also claims she is blind during a discussion with Sunny. Which is considerable since in previous episodes, she rarely uses this word and she insists that she can always see.
Tess also uses the personal pronoun 'we' in a positive way when referring to Sunny and herself as a team. This proves that she accepts Sunny's help with her investigations, and that she understands the latter's role and importance. This may be because the relationship between the duo is gradually changing. Indeed, they support each other in daily life. Tess supports Sunny in her divorce, but also with her agoraphobia. While Sunny accompanies Tess in her new life, while showing her that she is full of resources.
Sunny is also a very interesting, albeit mysterious, character. At this stage, little has been revealed about her. There are still gray areas about her former job, the reason for her agoraphobia, her life in what appears to be a hotel or her dexterity with technology. This touch of mystery is a feature of the series that is quite captivating, because it is relatively well executed.
Furthermore, Sunny's agoraphobia impacts her relationship with her husband, who after several months of no connection with her asks for divorce. Sunny is reluctant, since her husband remains the only connection she has with the outside world. She still ends up signing the papers, thus giving up something very important to her.
Solving the impossible:
For a crime that no one has been able to solve for a long time, it was not that difficult to solve. How Tess (and Sunny) were able to complete the puzzle so quickly, while an entire investigative team couldn't, is a bit unrealistic.
In this episode, everything suggests that Jupiter from Dash N Ship was the murderer (his behavior, the car, etc.). Which was well done, except that it was perhaps a little too obvious. Nothing gives any clues about the real murderess who we actually see only a few times. The only time we see her, she talks about how several of Olivia's packages haven't been delivered to customers. She seems a little upset about the situation, but there is no more information about her relationship with Olivia. This is not a person who is often mentioned or seen in the episode, except at the end, when she is flushed out. This is probably what made this episode a little special. More clues about the murderess throughout the episode would probably have been preferable.
Overall, the episode wasn't bad, but Sight Unseen has already offered more constructed and engaging episodes.
→ Rating: 5.5/10